Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Umbilical Cord Blood Banking": A way to save UCB stem cells


In placental mammals, the umbilical cord (also called the birth cord or funiculus umbilicalis) is the connecting cord from the developing embryo or fetus to the placenta. The blood within the umbilical cord, known as cord blood, is a rich and readily available source of primitive, undifferentiated stem cells (of type CD34-positive and CD38-negative)known as Umbilical cord blood cells
Umbilical Cord blood stem cells hold great potential in treating a wide number of diseases and disorders. Cord blood stem cells are actually much more primitive than bone marrow or peripheral stem cells. These stem cells are taken from umbilical cord blood shortly after birth; once the umbilical cord has been cut, a nurse or doctor can drain the blood from the cord. This blood can then be frozen and stored privately or donated to public cord blood banks. When it is needed, the stem cells are thawed and ready to use in stem cell therapy.


UCB StemCell Transplnt Vs BM StemCell Transplant:-
UCB Stem cells transplant patients may hav a higher survival rate, and less feequent hospitalization due to fewer complications such as GHVD. *The overal cost of UCB transplantation less than the traditional bone marrow transplantation.
UCB for SC collection Vs BM for SC Collection:-
In UCB, we find much amount of stem cells as compared to bone marrow Stem Cells in 100-150 ml of Cord blood = Stem Cells in 500-1000ml of Bone Marrow

Cord blood is a rich source of heamatopoeitic Stem cells and these are used for treatment of various life-threatening diseases. These stem cells are not only perfect for the child's own usage, but also for the siblings and parents. Collection of cord blood is painless, non-invasive and causes no harm or side effects to mother or the child. So, we have these cord blood banks all over, which collect the UCB Stem cells and keep it safe for years and used by the child if in later future he/she suffers from any fatal disease.

Cord Blood Banking Options:
1. Privately store your baby's cord blood : Currently, there are thousands of scientists and projects worldwide working on regenerative medicine (re-growing body parts lost through aging, injury or illness) and many families are opting for personal storage of their cord blood based on the current trends and future potential.
2. Donate the cord blood: By donating your baby's cord blood you are possibly saving the life of another human being.
3. Discard your baby's cord blood:  This option is available for families who do not which to donate or store the cord blood.


UCB Samples are collected from normal full term vaginal deliveries. The collections are made after delivery of the infant and ligation of the cord prior to the expulsion of the placenta. The UCB are to be collected while the placenta is still in utero. Using strict aseptic techniques, the umbilical vein is cleansed with alcohol followed by betadine. The umbilical vein was pierced and UCB collected in standard blood collection bags containing Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine-1(CPDA-1) anticoagulant.The UCB units are to be stored at 4°c and processed within 24 hrs.

Removal of RBCs is done by hydroxy ethyl starch(HES) sedimentation. MNC counts are done by using Turk’s solution. Viability count of MNC is done by using Trypan Blue dye exclusion test. UCB mononuclear cells are cryopreserved using the cryoprotectant DMSO at a final concentration of 10%.


1. Public Cord Blood Banks:
*These banks store Cord blood for potential use by transplant patients.
*Cord blood is donated to the bank. client relinquishes all right after donation.
*Use is not restricted to anyone in the world.
*Processing or storage costs are collected from the donor.
*Usage subject to availability.

2. Private/Family Cord blood Banks:
*These banks store Cord blood on behalf of the client. family banking offers a sense of security to the family who know that if in future their child will need transplants, the cord blood is available immediately.
*Cord blood is available for use for the family members only.
*Processing and storage are borne by the client.
*Availability of cord blood for the potential future use in family is guaranteed.

CURRENTLY TREATABLE DISEASE WITH UCB STEM CELLS: Blood and haemoglobin disorders such as Anaemia and Thalassemia. *Immunological and metabolic disorders like Severe immunodeficiency diseases. *Cancers such as Acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia. *Autoimmune disease such as Multiple Sclerosis.

POTENTIAL FUTURE APPLICATION OF UCB STEM CELLS IN TREATING: Diabetes, Alzheimers, Heart disease, Parkinson's disease, Spinal Cord injury etc.

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